Jim Matheson on Obamacare…
by Daryl AcumenIn a yesterday's debate with Saratoga Springs Mayor Mia Love, Rep. Jim Matheson asserted that he was always against Obamacare, that he was an early "No" vote, that he was never ambiguous about his opposition, and that to assert otherwise was to be out of touch with his record. In making these assertions, Jim Matheson ...
Continue ReadingFreedomWorks endorses Dan Liljenquist…sort-of
by Daryl AcumenOn Saturday Russ Walker, Vice President of Political and Atroturf Campaigns at FreedomWorks, was quoted by Deseret News as sort-of endorsing Dan Liljenquist in the 2012 Senate race. "Now it's on...it becomes the 'let's elect Dan Liljenquist' campaign.'" - Russ Walker Does this mean that FreedomWorks is FINALLY going to endorse Dan Liljenquist for Senate? Sources inside the Utah ...
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FreedomWorks did little to oust Bennett in 2010
by Daryl AcumenBored and between conference calls, I decided to run a few numbers on the 2012 Senate primary just for fun. I've said for some time that Russ Walker and Matt Kibbe are shameless in the way they continuously accept credit for ousting Bob Bennett in 2010 and pretend that the Hatch race is somehow simply ...
Continue ReadingDan Liljenquist’s failed tax hike!
by Daryl AcumenThis article illustrates the idiocy of one of the few votes Dan Liljenquist could be bothered to make in his short stint with the Utah Legislature - a sin tax increase on cigarettes. The fact that he bothered to show up for this vote means he thought it was important. The fact that he got it ...
Continue ReadingJune 15th Hatch/Liljenquist debate transcript
by Daryl AcumenDoug Wright: A warm welcome to the Doug Wright show today. Special hour today — we have blown out all the commercials. We have cleared the decks because today is the day for the debate between Dan Liljenquist and Orrin Hatch. I greatly appreciate both of our guests clearing their schedules and making their time ...
Continue ReadingIt’s *crickets* in the Senate race
by Daryl Acumen"Maybe it’s because we’re in the middle of June and people aren’t thinking much about the election. It just seems that there’s not much going on right now. And a boring race helps Orrin Hatch. If things were more exciting, that would mean either trouble for Hatch or momentum for Liljenquist." - Bryan Schott This is ...
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Manufactured debate ‘controversy’ illustrates Liljenquist campaign’s desperation
by Daryl AcumenThe recently manufactured 'controversy' regarding Orrin Hatch's purported hesitancy to debate Dan Liljenquist again before the June 26th primary is a clear sign of desperation. In spite of the fact that Hatch has debated Liljenquist twice in the last month and the fact that Hatch campaign manager Dave Hansen indicated that more debates are likely, ...
Continue ReadingDan Liljenquist & FreedomWorks – birds of a feather…
by Daryl AcumenA few observations about the relationship between FreedomWorks and Dan Liljenquist: - In June 2011, as conservatives across the country geared up for the election a year and half away to oust President Barack Obama and his liberal allies from the U.S. Senate, Washington, DC-based FreedomWorks announced a costly campign to try and defeat conservative Republican ...
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